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作者: 来源: 日期:2017/12/27 11:44:23 人气:2100


     Suppose you are in charge of a library in a city. You received a few letters complaining the crowded condition of your library. Write a letter to one of the complainers which includes the following points:

     1) acknowledge the complaints,

     2) suggest alternatives to avoid the crowdedness,

     3) express your appreciation for the comment.

     You should write about 100 words on Answer Sheet2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.


Re: Library Usage

Dear Sir,

     You have expressed your frustration and irritation with the city library over the past six months. There are usually long lines waiting for assistance and for use of the computer card catalogs.

     To avoid crowded conditions, we suggest you use the library during off-peak hours. You should have no trouble getting help and using the card catalogs during the following periods: 11: 30 am to 2: 30 pm 5: 30 pm. To 7: 30 pm. The rest are our busiest times.

     We always appreciate hearing your comments on the library. Let us know how you think this is working out.

                                                                                              Yours faithfully,

Li Ming


1.You were kind enough to ask my advice about…, so here it is.

2.You must, of course, use your own judgment, but I would suggest that…

3.There is one thing you might want to consider.

4.You’ve probably already thought of this, but…

5.I don’t usually give unsolicited advice, but his seems to me to be a special case.

6.I hope this is the sort of advice you wanted

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